Q & A with a Photographer - Sydney Miro Media

Meet Sydney!

Sydney is a familiar face at Lightbox, and we are honored to be part of her creative journey! Keep reading to learn more about this extraordinary gal.

Photo courtesy of Sydney Miro Media

Sydney is a young entrepreneur in 417land who has an eye for modern, simplistic looks, which cultivate her editorial aesthetic. Born in Crofton, MD, Sydney moved to Springfield, MO, and has been immersed in the world of media since 2019. While her specialty is portrait photography, she occasionally dabbles in couple and family portraiture, weddings, and branding. Not only are we at Lightbox so grateful for Sydney’s trust in our studio, but we’re even more thankful for her years of friendship. Now, let’s dive in and get to know more about the lady, the lore, the legend - Sydney.


Q: How long have you been a photographer?
A: For about 5 years now, ever since I got my first camera for Christmas in 2018! During the first 3.5 years, photography was just a pursuit of passion. I juggled it with other commitments, dedicating my free time to honing my skills, experimenting with different styles, and understanding the technical aspects of photography. About a year and a half ago, I made the significant decision to transition into full-time photography!

Q: How were you introduced to photography?
A: I was first introduced to photography as a kid, when I was immersed in the world of art and photos because of my dad! My dad has been a skilled photographer for as long as I can remember, and I have vivid memories of dressing up for his photos, getting my photo taken at numerous locations, and even being a part of his own creations of backdrops.

Q: Your work has a very distinct style. How did you develop this style?
A: I developed this style incidentally (the all-neutral thing I’ve got going on)! Funny thing is, I believe my mental illness plays a huge part into how my style was developed. My anxiety and OCD takes on quite a few interesting forms: amongst them being the fact that my brain does not favor color. Bright and vibrant colors, to my noggin, come off very loud, noisy, and unpeaceful. If you were to ever take a peek into my apartment or my closet, you would also see that the only colors present are white, black, brown, and occasionally greens. So, although I thoroughly enjoy other photos with colors and can appreciate that art-wise, it doesn’t sit right with my own creative and personal vision with the way my brain is wired! The more ya know.

Q: Who or what influences your work?
A: Fashion and editorial magazines. I love the simple, minimalistic look and also trying new, spontaneous, but also subtle, ideas.

Q: What would your ultimate, dream photoshoot be?
A: Photographing Beyonce… If you’ve talked to me at least one time in my life, you probably know I love me some Beyonce. She has been my biggest inspiration and role model since I was probably 3, as I used to pursue singing/dancing and she does both so well and effortlessly. Now that I am older, I have also grown to appreciate her insane work ethic on top of her artistic talent. She would be my dream photoshoot mainly because I’d get to ask her all of the questions I’ve been dying to know my whole life, and she is drop. dead. gorgeous.

Q: What are some fun facts people may not know about you? 
A: I have 10+ years of professional dance training under my belt, and am also equally trained vocally!

Q: Which accomplishments are you most proud of?
A: I was able to turn my passion into a career at only 18 years old. I was always nervous about graduating high school because of college (I am not a school person!), and knew I wouldn’t feel fulfilled if I made myself attend college when I didn’t want to. So, I made something work for me that I absolutely love and that didn’t require a degree! Self taught baby. Literally anything is possible if you work for it.

Q: What is your favorite part about using Lightbox?
A: My favorite part about using Lightbox is the wide variety of props and backdrops they have to offer! You can do so many different styles and themes without having to bring anything yourself because the prop closet has just about anything you’ll need. AND the staff are the friendliest people I have ever met! I would say the staff at Lightbox are my supporters both professionally and casually.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your clients?
A: Their trust in my vision. Most people I book like to give me full creative freedom for their session and trust my judgement when it comes to outfits, backdrop colors, etc. I think makes for an amazing experience for both me and my client. OH! And when 80% of my clients ask me what I want from 7brew before our session because they know I love it so much.

Q: What is the most rewarding thing about being a photographer?
A: Being able to capture some of peoples’ biggest milestones. Whether it’s graduation, a baby, or a big birthday, it warms my heart that people trust me enough to leave them with pictures that last a lifetime and that might be put up in their homes!

Q: If you could give one piece of advice to yourself when first started as a photographer, what would it be?
A: It would be to try something new! I think I was so afraid of making art other people wouldn’t like that I lost focus on making art that I like. So yeah, Sydney - don’t be afraid to step outside of the box and your comfort zone, even if that post gets 5 likes.

Q: If you could give your clients one piece of advice, what would it be?
A: Ask me ALL of the questions! I never want my clients to be confused about their outfit for the vision we’re creating, and that cause them to not be fully comfortable or satisfied with the photos. So spam text me 5 times a week if you have to; I’m here to answer your q’s and collaborate!

Q: How would you like to use the studios at Lightbox in the future?
A: I would like to use the studios at Lightbox in the future by potentially going the non-photo route and filming! I also dabble in videography - mainly weddings - but would love to do some fun and creative film in the studio one day (maybe with dancers!).

Special thanks to Sydney for participating in our Q&A!

To find more of her breathtaking work, you can visit the following platforms.
Facebook: Sydney Miro Media
Instagram: @sydneymiromedia
Website: www.sydneymiromedia.com