Painting is a process that can take quite a bit of time. (It can also be expensive!) To help your backdrop last longer between paint jobs, we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeves. Okay, well we have one trick in particular that hasn’t failed us yet… Magic erasers! Curious? Keep reading!
Get ready… get set… erase!
Step One: Wet the eraser completely.
Step Two: Squeeze as much water from the eraser as possible.
Step Three: Identify the spots on your backdrop you would like to “erase.”
Step Four: Perform a spot test before using the magic eraser.
Quick Tip: Magic erasers are made of a slightly abrasive plastic foam. Before using the magic eraser on your entire surface, test it on a small spot to ensure it will not cause any damage.
Step Five: Erase!
Following the grain of the paint, buff the eraser over the imperfections and watch them disappear!
Step Six: Admire your work!
Pro Tip!
We also love using magic erasers to keep our tables looking brand new!
Written by Hannah L.